NORAD is the bi-national U.S.-Canadian military organization responsible for the aerospace and maritime defense of the United States and Canada. NORAD, created by a 1958 agreement between Canada and the United States, provides advanced warning of impending missile and air attack against its member nations, safeguards the air sovereignty of North America, and maintains airborne forces for defense against attack.
NORAD is the bi-national U.S.-Canadian military organization responsible for the aerospace and maritime defense of the United States and Canada. NORAD, created by a 1958 agreement between Canada and the United States, provides advanced warning of impending missile and air attack against its member nations, safeguards the air sovereignty of North America, and maintains airborne forces for defense against attack.
So Norad has set up a Santa tracker where kids can go to their website on Christmas Eve and see where in the world Santa is. It is really fun to do with the kids. Here is the link http://www.noradsanta.org/
There were multiple interactive things for the kids to do while waiting in line. There were things to read to the kids and then there were trivia questions to ask them. They taught them about satelites, gps units, and the different time zones. It was nice to have something to do while we were in line.
This was a map listing all the diffent time zones throughout the world. They could drag Santa and his sleigh through all of them.Cute picture by a Christmas tree just before we got to the front of the line.