Thursday, October 2, 2008

Fun Summer Pictures

Well, I haven't taken many pictures because of being stuck in the house but I am tired of my blogg having the same old pictures. So....I thought I would just share some fun pictures from the last few months. This is Amy up at the Ranch in Idaho riding her horse Sunny. Yes...she has a horse that lives with Grandma. Lucky girl!

Camping in the mountains. Amy was waiting for Daddy to get off her 4-wheeler. I think Daddy is a little too big for it.

Finally Amy got her turn.

Our big trip this summer was going to Hawaii. We went with Mike's family and had a great time.

Amy wanted to climb this coconut tree at the PCC. The guy there thought she was too little to do it but she is very determined. Off she went!

Halfway up. The whole crowd was cheering her on. I was amazed at how well she was doing.

Yeah.. she made it to the top and everyone was clapping for her. If you look at the clock, she made it in less than a minute. Go Amy!
One day we drove to North Shore and we stopped for some shaved ice.

Of course, as most kids do, she had to have blue.

The same day we stopped here for pictures. As you can see, her mouth is still blue from the shaved ice.

Just thought this was a cute picture.

One reason for the trip was for Mike's cousin's wedding. Amy was the flower girl and her little cousin Seth was the bible boy.

Amy, Grandma Cindy, and Lexi
Down the aisle she goes.

Seth, Amy, and Lexi on the beach

For her 5th birthday Daddy bought Amy a ski helmet and goggles. She was so excited to learn to ski.
This was Amy dressing up Sally in her doll clothes. Sally is just happy to get attention. Amy likes to put her in her shopping cart and push her around the house.

Well, I am done looking for pictures. I will try to get some new ones on here soon.

1 comment:

katie said...

Beth- It's Katie Pratt (woffinden) whatever you want to call me. I was so excited to find your blog. Yes, I love to blog stalk. I can't believe that you live so close to me. Your daughter is so dang cute. I hope you keep in touch.